September 2020 - The Format People have been invited to oversee the Formats Pitch competition for the Asian Television Forum in December 2020.
TFP CEO Michel Rodrigue will run the event, assembling a top-quality panel of judges from around the world and across the formats industry to short-list the finalists and ultimately pick a winner, who will receive S$3,500 in cash to develop their idea.
Lulu SV Mendoza, Executive Producer / Editorial Director (ATF), says:
"We always look forward to collaborating with The Format People, appreciating their aptitude in the world of formats, as they bring decades of experience. We also appreciate their constant quality of participation across ATF’s conference component.”
Michel Rodrigue says:
"Having worked in Asia for many years, I am constantly surprised by the quality and innovation of the ideas. It is no accident that western buyers in search of hot formats are all looking East, and ATF is the best place to find them."
The ATF Formats Pitch - a major platform for creators and producers to showcase new and original, unscripted (non-fiction) entertainment formats for development and export within the region, and the world - will be held virtually this year.